
We have managed to further the work greatly, more so than I was told when I was off, we are so close to the start of production that we can almost grasp it but despite this we are still working strong and everyone is heading somewhat in the right direction, we may suffer when we get distracted, although when we put our minds to it collectively we make a large amount of progress in a short amount of time.

Our team is finally getting used to each other, we haven’t worked together before (That I know of) and despite that we seem to have hit it off and have managed to hit the rails and align ourselves to the finally goal of our pre-production.


Our pre-production is coming along splendidly, it isn’t finished yet, however it’s almost there. We have a few things to finish and outline, as well as having to gather everyone’s pre-production together.

Personally, I think my group may be jumping the gun with the production considering that we haven’t finished the planning, however if the only work they can do at home is the modeling/texturing/coding/etc. then so be it.

C&T Project

The time has come, the C&T project has to be submitted. I have been through hell and back whether that is because of having to learn how to use Substance Painter and or having to balance the C&T and the IW – Imagined Worlds project at the same time.

I have laid the model Textured and not, in separate slides, I haven’t unfortunately got anything from before the models creation, this is dues to my own error as I just prefer to make models from eye whilst going through with trial and error, therefore I haven’t got any source photos or a proper modelling pipeline layout.

C&T PresentationTextured Model Slide

I have inserted the current slides above into a powerpoint, this powerpoint won’t contain anything I haven’t already talked about or shown within this blog post:

C&T Presentation

Work on the Side

I have decided to make some models on the side, which isn’t unusual however I don’t usually blog about it every time I decide to make some models. Now, usually I would come up with an idea of what I want to make; then I would think of how I want to make this model, possibly draw a concept of said model and then go by eye and alter this model as I am building it.

Weirdly, I have the urge to model something that I have yet to try.  This could be a number of items, I was thinking of doing a gun arsenal; something along the lines of this would take a large amount of time and effort, I am not willing to dedicate a lot of my time to this project whilst I have my Technical asset project and group project yet to finish.

Technical Model/Asset

My model is almost finished, I have completed the base silhouette and now require some extra work on a new higher poly version that will needs to be done in a program such as Mud box, Z Brush and Sculptris, however I seem to be having various different difficulties when attempting to use these programs. I have yet to be able to try Sculptris with the model and can’t get a hold of Z Brush, however I have imported it into Mud Box and seem to have struggled as the model doesn’t seem to fair well when trying to alter it’s shape within Mud Box, I have yet to find out whether this is a problem with the model itself and whether or not it is just Mud Box that has the problem; either way I don’t have an alarming amount of time to finish this project and I am so close to being finished I just have to finish the High Poly model with the added detail I plan to carve into the model and then texture within Substance Painter, then upon completing that I will have to create a submission slide possibly within Photoshop or maybe just in PowerPoint then finally submit the finished product all within the short amount of time left. Wish me Luck.




We have been working on the Burger Box animation, so today we have been planning and constructing the scene in which the Burger Box will be animated within.

I have decided that the burger box will try and escape the fate of being placed into the trash can therefore needs to escape into the abyss that is the world by jumping from the food trays to the table which they are stacked upon.

Throughout we have been looking at each others ideas to adapt our own and so far I have adapted my own idea by thinking of different ways to use the twelve principles of animation to my advantage whilst also describing the amount of gravity and realism the environment has.

Christmas Game Brainstorm

Today we were told that we would have to make ideas for a Christmas based game that will be placed up upon the app store out of four games from my class and four games from another class.

We have been brainstorming to get ideas and think of ideas for builds, we came up with the idea to make a game that is to build and package presents that come off conveyor belts, you must watch out for the qualities to make sure you don’t the toy wrong as to get the orders right.

This is what we have thought of so far and this is most likely what we are going to make as it has to related to Christmas and related to Sunderland which it will be when we have the scenery as a location in Sunderland.

Side Project(s)

Oliver and I have decided that whilst also creating the walking sim that we would design and create a 1st try Indie game that would be based off of the walking sim that we will present. It will eventually end up as a Puzzle game for which we will learn how to design our future levels and games and take inspiration from The Song of Seven (Overture), a game with simple and minimalist design yet complex and odd beauty.
