C&T Project

The time has come, the C&T project has to be submitted. I have been through hell and back whether that is because of having to learn how to use Substance Painter and or having to balance the C&T and the IW – Imagined Worlds project at the same time.

I have laid the model Textured and not, in separate slides, I haven’t unfortunately got anything from before the models creation, this is dues to my own error as I just prefer to make models from eye whilst going through with trial and error, therefore I haven’t got any source photos or a proper modelling pipeline layout.

C&T PresentationTextured Model Slide

I have inserted the current slides above into a powerpoint, this powerpoint won’t contain anything I haven’t already talked about or shown within this blog post:

C&T Presentation

Work on the Side

I have decided to make some models on the side, which isn’t unusual however I don’t usually blog about it every time I decide to make some models. Now, usually I would come up with an idea of what I want to make; then I would think of how I want to make this model, possibly draw a concept of said model and then go by eye and alter this model as I am building it.

Weirdly, I have the urge to model something that I have yet to try.  This could be a number of items, I was thinking of doing a gun arsenal; something along the lines of this would take a large amount of time and effort, I am not willing to dedicate a lot of my time to this project whilst I have my Technical asset project and group project yet to finish.

Technical Model/Asset

My model is almost finished, I have completed the base silhouette and now require some extra work on a new higher poly version that will needs to be done in a program such as Mud box, Z Brush and Sculptris, however I seem to be having various different difficulties when attempting to use these programs. I have yet to be able to try Sculptris with the model and can’t get a hold of Z Brush, however I have imported it into Mud Box and seem to have struggled as the model doesn’t seem to fair well when trying to alter it’s shape within Mud Box, I have yet to find out whether this is a problem with the model itself and whether or not it is just Mud Box that has the problem; either way I don’t have an alarming amount of time to finish this project and I am so close to being finished I just have to finish the High Poly model with the added detail I plan to carve into the model and then texture within Substance Painter, then upon completing that I will have to create a submission slide possibly within Photoshop or maybe just in PowerPoint then finally submit the finished product all within the short amount of time left. Wish me Luck.



The deadline for the imagine worlds project is coming in drastically close, at the current moment in time it isn’t looking as if the project will have completion, this may be due to the fact of many things, one of which is most likely organization of time management. This has been somewhat of a problem within our group, just because of the fact that we have been slightly too lax about the time we thought we had to do the project and when we decided to model, UV etc. Another problem being motivation, we seem to really have the ups and downs and by this I mean that every once in a while we seem to just not have the motivation to do large amounts of demanding work. This seems to be a recurring problem that has most afflicted our group project.

In my opinion, it would seem that despite argue, myself and Oliver seem to have done the most beneficial modelling, our models seem to make a large majority of the scene, despite this Callum has done various UV’s and due to the lack of substance painter access that we regularly have had to do quite a lot of texturing, which means that a large amount of the currently textured models are his and Oliver’s. Me and Fraser have yet to do any texturing for the project models unless you include Fraser’s Creative and Technical model. It has come in to question whether or not Fraser has been pulling his weight or whether he has been falling behind from the rest of us. He would most likely debate this which makes perfect sense but if conference with other members of the group agree then it will be a unanimous vote as to which member has to start catching up, despite this mention, I am disappointed with my self as I did foresee us creating many more models and I was hoping to create a large majority of then but without me noticing I managed to lose track of time with some of the more annoying models that I was tasked with creating and ended up being somewhat useless in comparison to the amount of work in which Oliver has done and wish to repay that in the future by working harder to make up for the laxness of which i have gone about this project so far.

Unfortunately, I feel as though I could have contributed more however I do believe I have done an adequate amount of work for towards the project, especially considering the fact that the majority of my models are large and blatant within a scene and would be easily noticeable within any basic scene in comparison to various small objects within any scene, now despite saying that, it doesn’t mean that I haven’t made any small objects to fill up space on desks or shelves etc.

Technical Asset

My technical asset is a sword, unfortunately we have to make a low poly and a high poly version to bake the low poly onto the high which is annoying considering the fact that it seems relatively pointless. I have yet to understand whether or not it can be bake and I cant ascertain the reason as to why it wouldn’t bake on to the low poly version, despite the silhouette being almost identical despite aspects that I have yet to be identical.

The sword is meant to be a long-sword, therefore the handle has two gripping points for someone to hold due to the large size of the blade which I built to be a measure of approx. 4 – 5 feet in length.

Imagined Worlds

Trello Screenshot

Imagined Worlds Scene – Shows our production line, so far we have managed to create a key as to who does what aspect, what we are based upon and the list of models that we are to make, then what has to be UV’ed then then the finished models awaiting textures.

Maya Scene Render

IW – Food Items

Our group has came up with the idea that we should have food items in one of our scenes, therefore i have been tasked to create various food items such as a cheese wheel, link of sausages and so on and so forth.

This has yet to be finished currently, still designing and choosing various food items and or pieces of cutlery.

The overall finish of these items won’t require lots of detail due to the fact that they are relatively inadequate objects within the scene, therefore the level of detail of other models isn’t required.


IW – Archery Target

An archery target was a model that was decided upon before we came up with the final idea for our imagined worlds, however despite that it still was wanted within the scene and as the will of the rest of my group I was given the job of creating said target.

It isn’t all that difficult to make, main object is a flattened cylinder with somewhat harshly beveled edges on the front to emphasize the outer edge of the target and what would count as a miss.

The legs supporting the target are extruded from the origin body, I thought the idea of having the legs be part of the actual target rather than it’s own separate object almost like that of an easel of which a target just sits upon.

Diegetic |Non-Diegetic Sound

Diegetic soundSound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film: voices of characters. sounds made by objects in the story. music represented as coming from instruments in the story space ( = source music)

Nondiegetic soundSound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action: narrator’s commentary. sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect. mood music.

Story Boarding Games


Within the creation of games a storyboard doesn’t have to be detailed, the main points have to be described, however what fits in between can be written up but not drawn and the reason for this is detailed description and vivid imagination. This doesn’t apply for films as they require meticulous planning and story boarding to plan an predict the quality and length of the end product.

The main difference is the awareness of player interaction, making the story interactive to the player allowing the player the main character rather than in a movie that requires a character to be described as someone else, seeing each opportunity as a bystander rather than the individual.

Difficulties arise when story boarding for games as the type of game limits the amount of story boards that can be made, after all a sandbox game can’t exactly be story boarded as the lack of limitations allows for the player to have a wide amount of choice and practically infinite amount of interactive possibilities.


Films require a vast amount of story boarding due to the large amount of vivid planning and character design, not from how the character looks but rather the backstory and personality, ever little detail of a character within a movie must be planned regardless of how important or unimportant a character may be.


These differences are what makes a game vastly different from a movie, the detail and vast amount of story boarding alone can determine the quality of a character and their design.