MVP Deadline Fast Approaching

The college week has ended, the MVP is next Tuesday and we , in my opinion, have made a major improvement to our project. Compared to last week and the weeks prior to that we have made a shambles to our old version of the project, which if Fraser has been saving separate versions of the project at certain intervals you will notice easily. This week we decided to add a massive Kraken into the background of our scene, not on the sky box, but rather a massive Octopus that me and James modeled, James modelling the tentacle and I modeling the body, we worked together to texture the models since it was a combined effort and everyone agreed that it was amazing. With instruction Fraser has put it into the environment, without me noticing everyone told Fraser to make it hold a ship which made it even better.

i finished texturing the boat and stayed behind to texture a few extra models just in the event that on Tuesday, before Matt’s lesson I don’t get time to do so, the ship and a few other haven’t yet been implemented yet, with the textures of course which in the case of the ship is extremely important. With the texturing of the ship I would have liked to have a bit more of team help, I asked and got hesitating replies which was rather vexing, although Fraser did give some help but I still think I should have went more with my gut, but I can change that later more to my tastes if I don’t like the current version.

The Flintlock and various other models that I made at home are good, some are textured some aren’t. I modeled a turtle which isn’t of the highest quality but is pretty adorable, his textures need a bit of work. I need to ask if the the pistol actually can be used if not then it is a nice item to have in a Portfolio anyways so that’s something, i messed around with the Spyglass in Key shot to see what the glass would look like the quality isn’t amazing however it was the first time I had used Key shot so that is a factor.SpyGlass Test 1

Everyone this week seems to have really got into a great pace with all the extra pressure that is on us because of the deadline. As for individual progress I can’t really refer to everyone else however I do know that Fraser has really gone to town with the scene really stretching the uses of our models to the most within the scene so they don’t go to waste, which seems to have really made him want to do more environment design apparently. I am aware that Jordan has modeled a book, but as I said Jordan and Brandon have kept to themselves a lot these past few weeks and James has been working on a lot of environment assets and again you will have to refer yourselves to his blog for that info.

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