Portfolio Reflection

In my portfolio presentation I got a merit as my grade, so it wasn’t outstanding nor was it abysmal, I got an adequate amount of feedback to the point where my mistakes that I had realized I had made weren’t as important as I had once thought.

They commented upon the layout and style of my portfolio saying that it was well organized, however somewhat overcrowded, which means next time I need to focus more upon separating and elaborating upon a single piece rather than quickly going over a few projects at once.

I received and obvious yet vital piece of information about my models which was to focus upon finishing and texturing 1 high quality model rather than completing multiple medium quality models to achieve a vaster amount of production quality models for future portfolio presentations.

Unfortunately, I had recently lost a large majority of my VFX work therefore I hadn’t  had any VFX footage , except I had very few older sky replacements which was something they commented upon, they did say however the things I did have on my presentation were good however they would have preferred if I had some footage to see how good or bad I am at altering footage, adding effects and changing scenery, etc. I have now done my VFX project which isn’t to a production quality standard, I am not all that well versed in editing footage and adding visual effects to an environment however my vfx lecturer said it was a job well done which was an improvement upon my previous outcome.

The art aspect of my portfolio was somewhat lacking, the variety of drawings that I had wasn’t very vast and was somewhat bland, they had commented upon the quality of my drawings saying that for someone that doesn’t focus upon aren’t they weren’t bad and that I will just have to keep practicing to improve their quality in the future. The main focus that they pointed out was definitely the quantity and variety of what I had though, they noticed that my images seem rushed, mainly because I make rushed drawings when sketching just because for a concept I don’t like to actually sketch it out even though it is recommended, I’m someone who prefers to get right into the creation of something and go from there which is something of which they noticed as they commented on the quality differences between my models and drawings.

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