Spaceship Feedback

We have finished the spaceships and given and received feedback from others on the outcome of our spaceships.

I have only to finish the fine details and add texture to define the shape of the structure, which was criticised  by the observer and will be added upon and further done in the future, this will be done once I learn how to add textures and materials.

We learnt new skills throughout this such as merging and Multi-cutting, these allowed us to do what we needed to our structures and allowed for us to define a bevel or allow a bevel to be applied to the shape in a way that would allow for a finer finish upon corners and edges.pod-racer-capture

I have added two handles and added materials to the Pod racer to create a detail image and portrait  which will be brought out by the difference in material and the colour of the materials, for now it is finished I may comeback to make more additions when I have furthered my experience.2nd-pod-racer-capture

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